ان يكون قسم المواد والمعادن رائدا فى العمل الاكاديمى والبحث العلمى من خلال المهارات فى الاداء والكفاءة فى الانجاز على المستوى المحلى والاقليمى
الفصل الدراسي الأول
General Chemistry I (GS111)
General Physics I (GS112)
Mathematics I (GS113)
Principle of Computer I (GS114)
English I. (GS115)
General Culture (GS116)
Engineering Drawing I (GS117)
الفصل الدراسي الثاني
General Chemistry II (GS121)
General Physics II (GS122)
Mathematics II (GS123)
Computer Application II (GS124)
English II (GS125)
Arabic language (GS126)
Engineering Drawing II(GS127)
الفصل الدراسي الثالث
English Language III (CH231)
Mathematics III (GS232)
Workshop Technology (GE233)
Thermodynamics (GE234)
Applied Mechanics (GE236)
GE236 (MME237)
الفصل الدراسي الرابع
Writing Technical Report (GH241)
Statistics & Probability (GS242)
Instrumentation and Control (GE243)
Material Engineering (GE244)
Fluid Mechanics (GE245)
Numerical Analysis (GE246)
Modern and Nuclear Physics(MME247)
Physical Chemistry(MME248)
الفصل الدراسي الخامس
Occupational Safety 1(GS351)
Electro- Magnetic and Optical Properties of Materials (MME352)
Physical Metallurgy I(MME353)
Corrosion Principals (MME354)
Metallurgical Thermodynamics (MME355)
Polymer Chemistry (MME356)
الفصل الدراسي السادس
Principles of Engineering Economy (GE361)
X-ray Diffraction (MME362)
Corrosion Control (MME363)
Polymer Materials (MME364)
Physical Metallurgy II (MME365)
Mechanical Metallurgy (MME366)
الفصل الدراسي السابع
on Destructive Testing (MME471)
Ceramics I (MME472)
Extractive Metallurgy (MME473)
Engineering Alloys (MME474)
Surface Treatment(MME475)
Project I(MME400)
الفصل الدراسي الثامن
Nano-Materials (MME481)
Failure Mechanisms (MME482)
Composite Materials (MME483)
Materials Shaping (MME484)
Materials Selection (MME485)
Welding (MME486)
Project II (ME400)
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